Teaching experience 2

Undergraduate and Graduate, Kathmandu University, Department of Geomatics Engineering, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, 2019


GEOI 509: Spatial Data Infrastructure (G) 2022. LAMP 504: Database and Geoinformation Modelling for Land Administration (G) 2020. EGPG 600: Problem Assessment Project (G) 2021. GEOM 410: Final Independent Project (UG) 2019. GEOM 310: Cadastre (UG) 2020. LAMP 203: Field Survey I (UG) 2020. GEOM 303: Engineering and Construction Survey (UG) 2021. GEOM 304: Field Surveys II (UG) 2019. ENVE 209: Engineering and Environment Survey (UG) 2020. GEOM 314: Engineering Project VI (UG) 2021.


  1. Supervised Web based Real Time Mapping and Assessment System: A Case Study of Flood in Melamchi River (Geomatics Engineer fourth year, 2022)
  2. Supervised Monitoring, Modeling and Hazard Assessment of Glacial Lake Outbrust Flood in Nepal (Geomatics Engineer fourth year, 2022)
  3. Supervised Urban Heat Island (ME/MS Geoinformatics Second year, 2021)
  4. Supervised Smoke Scene Detection From Satellite Imagery Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approaches (ME/MS Geoinformatics Second year, 2021)
  5. Supervised Fieldwork (Geomatics Engineer Second year, 2021).
  6. Supervised Fieldwork (Geomatics Engineer fourth year, 2020).
  7. Team lead for preparation of high-resolution orthophoto map for landless and information mapping (2020, Belaka Municipality).
  8. Supervised preparation of land use, resource, and cadastral superimpose a map of Dang (2019 & 2020)
  9. Supervised project on Assessment and prediction of soil moisture index of Nepal (Geomatics Engineer Fourth year, 2020).
  10. Supervised Identification of iron ore’s possible areas using satellite images (Geomatics Engineer Fourth year, 2020).
  11. Judge Nepal Geomatics Engineering Society COVID-19 Mapathon, September 2020
  12. Supervised project on Interactive tourism mapping and potential study of tourism using GIS (Geomatics Engineer third year, 2019).
  13. Supervised project on Selection of open space after a fire in Rupandehi district using AHP method (Geomatics Engineer third year, 2019).